New ACC Credential
Coaches who are applying for a new ACC credential via Level 1, ACSTH or Portfolio paths must complete 10 hours of mentor coaching prior to submitting their application.
Open Door’s Mentor Coaching Program is a tailored service designed specifically for individuals wanting to achieve ICF (International Coach Federation) credentials at ACC or PCC level.
Our program connects you with Brigitte Calvert, Open Door Coaching’s experienced PCC Coach and certified PCC Marker who provides personalised mentorship to enable you meet the ICF credential/renewal requirements.
Coaches applying for MCC Portfolio path must complete 10 hours of mentor coaching prior to submitting their application. These must be new hours of mentor coaching, and cannot have been used for a prior credential. Open Door has a service COMING SOON!
At any time you can undertake professional development via mentoring coaching. This is a great way to make sure you are coaching ‘at level’ and a way to fine tune your coaching to serve your clients and to role model coaching competence.
Mentoring is provided on your individual coaching demonstrations with a comprehensive feedback session that assesses your coaching against the ICF core competencies. You can purchase a 6-hour package of individual mentoring or a 10-hour individual package of mentoring. Note at this point we don’t offer group mentoring.
When you are ready with your coaching demonstration recording, you submit the recording for assessment and make an appointment for your 1-hour individual debrief of the recording. You can incorporate that feedback into your next coaching demonstration and send your next demonstration when you are ready. Alternatively use your mentor coaching session to specifically discuss the ICF Core Competencies in depth.
On completion of the program, Open Door will provide you with a letter confirming your sessions and hours completed ready for your ICF renewal or credential application.