Coaching for performance conversations
• Increase your team’s productivity and effectiveness
• Build the performance of your team to deliver results
• Sort out under performing individuals
Especially designed for managers; supervisors; team leaders; technical people wanting to get the most out of their team and deal with under performers. Furthermore HR people wanting to coach managers in the workplace around performance. As well as coaches wanting add the latest tools to their arsenal.
Understand what coaching is in the workplace, when to use it and when not to
Identify different personalities, what makes them tick and how to coach them
Re-focus negative people or ‘devil’s advocates’ to become solutions focused
Coach people to be accountable, take responsibility for their results and deliver
Turn around your under performers, set effective targets and achieve great results
Be a better listener, ask better questions and coach your team to high performance
We can deliver this program specifically for your managers, using your organisation’s context. Alternatively we can customise the program specifically to the needs of your team. Contact us for cost effective pricing and more details.
Book a complementary discussion about the program and how it can help you achieve your goals, or call us on 1300 006 324.
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