Not long ago we signed off for the year. And provided a recap on the trends in coaching that we predicated for 2022. And now here we are. Gazing into our re-usable coffee mugs. And thinking about the important topics that we are likely to come across during our coaching for 2023.
The good news is that you don’t need your double shot cappuccino for inspiration. Importantly, there are several trends that we are seeing in our research and through conversations with people like yourself.
In this blog we discuss 3 major topics that we predict will be raised during coaching conversations in the workplace. Furthermore, gather your insights into key trends.
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1. Inflation and rising interest rates
Splashed across all the media headlines is this first trend. The impact of inflation and rising interest rates. It would not surprise us at all, if this is raised in our coaching conversations. Because we provide a safe space for people to open up. This vulnerability is likely to show.
Screaming headlines brings awareness to the situation. But also at the same time, stress and tension. Not to mention the ‘lived’ experienced.
As coaches we can show compassion and listen. Furthermore, assist with planning. And don’t forget make referrals, as appropriate, for example to a financial counsellor.
2. Burnout and employee well-being
We get the feeling that people have returned to work for the new year and they may not be refreshed. This feeling is backed up by research we are seeing. Australian employees are suffering burnout. Concerningly, a higher burn out rate than the rest of the world. <
As coaches we can assist. For example in:
- Assisting clients and colleagues to prioritising ‘me time’
- Coaching around boundaries and ‘saying no’
- Starting a conversation about mental health with a colleague
- Recognising the signs of anxiety and depression in the workplace
- Looking out for our youth post-COVID
Of course, don’t forget mental health conversations and the range of organisations and resources available to assist.
3. Remote and hybrid working
Organisations have not worked remote and hybrid working out yet. There is a lot more negotiation to happen. And most importantly, we like the expression: experimentation. Look our for trends in our coaching around experimenting with what the new model is going to look and feel like.
As coaches we can assist by:
- Coaching through change e.g making an effort
- Exploring the experimentation phase (Adam Chicktong, General Manager, Asana)
- Coaching through conflict
- Getting the mindset right for performance conversations
- Creating the human connections
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