Our team
Is a high performing team. We are very good at what we do!
And modest you might say.
But it’s not about ego for us – we are highly trained professionals who love what we do
You need to work with a team of people who just “get it” and we understand the needs of executives, senior managers and their teams. We work with HR professionals and L&D professionals on a daily basis and have experienced what you have experienced in our past careers and through our clients every day.
We invest in our learning and development and professional growth and just like we encourage you to do. We have created a workplace that people love; where we achieve great things together; we give each other feedback in the spirit of continuous improvement; and we have fun along the way.
Of course we are highly accredited coaches, all holding the coaching qualifications and ICF credentials with business degrees and business experience across a range of industries, government and private sectors.
Across the team we have coaches who are accredited to deliver most of the key tools and profiles used by organisations including:
Natalie Ashdown is one of Australia’s most senior and experienced coaches and a recognised speaker and author. Her passion, vision, creativity and commitment assists and supports individuals, teams and companies to create lasting cultural change using coaching skills. Natalie is one of just 18 coaches in Australia to hold the International Coach Federation Master Certified Coach credential (MCC).
Often working with HR, L&D professionals and executive teams to implement strategic initiatives and designing leadership programs that target organisational change; and she is sought after for her expert facilitation skills particularly in coaching managers to coach their teams and is regarded as a mentor by many. She has worked extensively across all government levels and the private sector and has exposure and experience in international coaching including international work as a key-note speaker.
She is a qualified Surf Life Saver, runs a surf education program for 180 children in the summer holidays and Community CPR program and has achieved her black belt in Taekwondo.
B. Education, Dip. Workplace and Business Coaching, Dip. Life Coaching, Dip. Vocational Education and Training, Dip. Training and Design and Development, ICF PCC
Brigitte is a Professional Certified Coach (PCC), with quite possibly, the widest exposure of any practitioner in Australia. Meeting the needs of managers and leaders in developing coaching and mentoring skills and leadership competency as she oversees the development and assessments of internal and external coaches across approximately 100 different companies per annum.
For the past 15 years, Brigitte has been supporting organisations in the implementation of coaching and mentoring programs in her role as lead facilitator and assessor of the Diploma of Organisational Coaching (10835NAT) and Certificate IV in Workplace and Business Coaching (10834NAT). This role provides her with unique insights into the minds of learners including their goals, aspirations, challenges and level of coaching and leadership competency.
Brigitte applies her creative spirit and methodical approach to house renovating in her spare time.
B. Bus Major HR, Dip. Workplace & Business Coaching
Paula Jones-Hunt is Open Door’s Resident HR Specialist. Paula brings over 20 years of HR experience including exposure to complex HR issues across manufacturing, industrial, aviation, government and banking and finance sectors. She has provided HR Consulting to all levels of management and has been integral in the development of innovative training programs for leadership groups.
In addition, Paula is an accredited and qualified coach with over 15 years of experience. Paula has championed the introduction of coaching into her organisations and has utilised her coaching skills to successfully introduce her HR “Coaching Consulting” style to the organisations and managers she works with.
Sonya Sherman, likes to achieve excellent customer service and seamless operations for Open Door Coaching, to ensure the business runs smoothly. With an extensive background in management and customer service, and her ability to manage many facets of the business at one time, this enables the Open Door team to focus on the delivery of our programs and services.
Time management is a key to Sonya’s role and one that she has great practice in with having 4 children’s lives and timetables to manage.
Emma has partnered with Open Door Coaching to train managers and leaders in the US on how to create a coaching culture in the workplace. Emma is a coach, mentor and sought after keynote speaker around the world. She believes that the Leader as Coach is the way of the future.
Emma is a High-Performance Coach with a strong background as a tennis touring professional, a talent development coach and she has represented Australia as a National coach on 20 occasions. Emma’s pioneering approach to communication and coaching encourages people to take action. She provides practical coaching tools to help coach the coaches so that they can engage and empower others. She specialises in helping people to develop a high performing mindset, enhance energy, and perform under pressure both at home and in the workplace.
Anita Green, CEO of Promixa Stragegy (based in Abu Dhabi (UAE) is one of the most experienced coaching program managers across the globe. She was responsible for the significant growth and success of the largest in-house coaching programs in Australia; the Royal Australian Air Force. Anita is dedicated to coaching individuals and teams, training others to be coaches and the design and implementation of cultural change programs for organisations. He passion is to empower organisations to achieve their strategic priorities by developing the people within.
Proxima Strategy is the trusted and licensed delivery partner for Open Door Coaching courses