Open Door has been coach training for 20 years and we have one of the strongest reputations internationally.
After coaching for 20 years, it’s time to expand our vision to enable high performing workplaces using coaching skills. With this in mind you now have the opportunity to become a Level 1 Accredited Coach Trainer.
The program that you know, and love is available for you to deliver within your organisation or to your clients. Importantly, go behind the scenes of the coaching program to learn how to deliver outstanding coach training to your people, teams and clients. Furthermore, your students can achieve the Level 1 Workplace and Business Coaching Accreditation and apply for their ACC Credential.
Open Door has been in business for over 20 years. Furthermore, we are experts at delivering high quality coaching training. Importantly, meeting the standards set by the International Coach Federation (ICF).
The opportunity is for clients to become Accredited Coach Trainers. Apply for a licence to use Open Door’s materials, curriculum, and other resources. In particular to deliver proven coach training to individuals and within workplaces.
Open Door’s Coaching Program is Accredited with the ICF as a Level 1 Accredited Program.
As a Level 1 program it means that students can:
To become an Accredited Coach Trainer you will attend the 5-day Accredited Coach Training Program. Importantly, you’ll be learning to deliver and assess the coach training program (coach the coach style).
Delivery is in person or via ZOOM and you do have to attend all days to achieve your Level 1 Accredited Coach Trainer status.
The Fee for this training is included in your Enrolment.
(Note: you then have the option to apply to sign an Agreement with Open Door to deliver the training and you will pay an Annual Fee…read on for more information)
The Agreement is an annual license to deliver the Coach Training Program to your clients or individuals within the workplace. The Agreement is for the period of one year initially and can be renewed on an annual basis. You will pay an Annual Fee of $395.00 (inc GST) on signing the Agreement and each year thereafter.
*Note, you can attend the Accredited Coach Training, but it is an ICF requirement that you hold an Associate Certified Coach (ACC) credential prior to delivering the Coach Training Program to your clients or within the workplace.
Accredited Coach Trainers apply to Open Door to sign an annual Agreement to deliver the Level 1 Workplace and Business Coaching Accreditation (the Program).
The Program includes:
The Accredited Coach Trainers can assess the coaching demonstrations (#1, 2 and 3). In particular, they can do this without the need for a TAE qualification because this training does not fall under Open Door’s RTO status. Importantly, Coaching Demonstration # 4 and # 5 is the ICF Performance Evaluation, and will be completed by Open Door.
Accredited Coach Trainers deliver the 5-day training face to face in the classroom. Alternatively, via teleconference (of their choice) or a hybrid approach.
Note: the option for self-paced study is not included, because it doesn’t lead to a Level 1 accreditation and at this point. Therefore, partial completion is not an option.
Importantly, after satisfactory completion of the Accredited Coach Training Program you receive a certificate and digital badge designating you as an Accredited Coach Trainer. Therefore, the designation title of Accredited Coach Trainer and badge is used in your marketing materials. Including social media, website and signature block.
*Note: you do have to sign an Agreement and hold the ACC credential prior to delivering the program.
In addition, people that you train become Level 1 Accredited Coaches. Therefore, they receive a digital badge that they can use in their signature block etc.